Manage & Integrate Digital Data

  • View, filter & export data
  • Create & send dataset reports
  • Integrate systems with REST API

Step 4: Integrating a smap

What you'll find here:

Data View in Platform

Tabular data presentation


Exports & individual reports


Connect systems with one another


Data View: Quick Overview & Editing

All recorded data is sent to the smapOne platform. This is display in tabular form. Users can then immediately export records as Excel, Word or PDF files.

  • Structured representation
  • Controlled access through role assignment
  • Export with a single click

Structured representation

Controlled access through role assignment

Export with a single click

No code data management – Benefits without integration

Any process app you build with smapOne can be used independent of existing systems. You can adapt them agily, at any time. This gives you the drive to improve your applications and try out new things. Any transmitted process data can be managed, distributed and evaluated in the smapOne platform.

What does this mean? It means you don't have to integrate your smaps into your existing IT landscapes. This provides even more flexibility.


Professional, Customised Reports

Standard templates let you create reports effortlessly and easily. Individual reports are also possible thanks to custom design templates. You can send these either automatically by email or manually download them at any time.

  • PDF or Word File
  • Company-branded reports
  • Automatically by email

PDF or Word

Company-branded reports

Automatic via email


REST API: Connect Systems with Each Other

REST API (interface) lets you fully integrate smapOne into existing system landscapes. It enables automated data flow in different directions. This includes data from internal systems into a smap and vice versa.

  • Work without system boundaries
  • HTTPS encrypted
  • A login via e.g. Microsoft

Connect systems

HTTPS encrypted

A login via e.g. Microsoft




Next step

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